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Lol, TFT Set 2 Items & Builds Cheat Sheet; Patch 10.5

Lol, TFT Set 2 Items & Builds Cheat Sheet; Patch 10.5

From nine basic items, Teamfight Tactics allows you to get 45 different combined items. Wondering how you can possibly remember all of them? We got you covered with these items cheat sheets!

Lol, TFT Set 2 Items & Builds Cheat Sheet; Patch 10.5

In Teamfight Tactics, you have the possibility to drop some items when facing creep waves. There are nine basic items that can be combined together to craft advanced items. In comparison to DotA Underlords or Auto Chess, the items have much more impact on the game in TFT. It's quite important to understand that items' RNG will dictate your strategy: items are so strong that you absolutely need them to finish in the Top 4.

With Rise of the Elements, the Cursed Blade, Yuumi, Darkin, Knight's Vow, and Mittens disappear and leave a room for brand new Spatula items!

Teamfight Tactics

All Champions can equip up to three items that cannot be removed. The only way to get your items back is to sell the Champion who's carrying them.

To make things easier, just check the item cheat sheet below!

Teamfight Tactics
  • Do you want a bigger picture? It's just HERE.

Recommended Builds

We'll soon update the recommended builds with items introduced alongside patch 10.1.

Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics

What's your opinion on these builds? Do you feel you have better ones to suggest? The comment section is made for that, unleash yourselves!

Patch 9.22 notes — Rise of the Elements is HERE!

Set 2 brings upon Teamfight Tactics a refreshing wind of changes... New champions, new traits, new items, new core mechanics — we're basically going to play a whole new game.

Thomas "Calo" Sauzin

Head of Portal League of Legends ?? — Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo