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WoW Classic: Torwa Pathfinder — Druid Sunken Temple Quest

WoW Classic: Torwa Pathfinder — Druid Sunken Temple Quest

Each class has a unique class quest that takes them to the Temple of Atal'Hakkar and offers up a rare item as a reward. Read on to find out how to complete the Druid class quest: Torwa Pathfinder.

WoW Classic:  Torwa Pathfinder — Druid Sunken Temple Quest

In WoW Classic, Druids are able to access several unique class quests. You can start the Level 50 Druid quest chain as either faction, and completing this chain allows you to choose one of the following items as a reward:

Torwa Pathfinder

To start the final Druid class quest, simply talk to any Druid Trainer in any Capital City. They will offer you the following quest:

To finish this quest, pay a visit to Torwa Pathfinder in Un'Goro Crater.

Location of Torwa Pathfinder - World of Warcraft: Classic
Location of Torwa Pathfinder

After talking to Torwa, he will offer you the following quest:

This quest requires you to collect eight of the following ingredients:

Location of the Slithering Scar - World of Warcraft: Classic
Location of the Slithering Scar

Once you've collected all of these items, return to Torwa, who will offer you the following quest:

The objective is simple for this one: find one of the many Devilsaurs patrolling Un'Goro Crater and use the Devilsaur Barb quest item on it.

To accomplish this, approach a Devilsaur and use the Soothe Animal ability, then use Hibernate before using the Devilsaur Barb on the subdued creature.

Once you've done this, return to Torwa to receive one final quest:

This quest sends you into Sunken Temple to loot a Putrid Vine from Atal'alarion. This boss will only appear once you've activated all 6 Idols of Hakkar in the right order.

Location of the Temple of Atal'Hakkar (Sunken Temple) - World of Warcraft: Classic
Location of the Temple of Atal'Hakkar (Sunken Temple)

On your return to Torwa, he will offer you one of the following rewards:

Druids speccing into Restoration will generally prefer to choose Forest's Embrace, Feral Druids will prefer to take the Grizzled Pelt, while the few players actually using Balance Druids should take Moonshadow Stave without hesitation.

Sunken Temple — An Atal'Hakkar Dungeon Guide

The Temple of Atal'Hakkar, also known in WoW as the Sunken Temple, is a Dungeon in World of Warcraft Classic. Our guide will touch on every room in the dungeon, from the first room to the last, covering bosses, loot, quests, and how to enter the instance.


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