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LoL — URF Tier List 2019; Best champions Patch 9.21

LoL — URF Tier List 2019; Best champions Patch 9.21

THAT'S IT, URF IS FINALLY BACK! From October 28th, 4:00 PM PDT to November 8th, unleash your (almost) no-cooldown abilities onto the Rift, and obliterate your opponents in a burst of laughs! Wondering who are the best champions to enjoy this mode as much as possible? Well, we got you covered.

LoL — URF Tier List 2019; Best champions Patch 9.21

That's right! URF is back onto the Summoner's Rift, which means that League of Legends is going to be a bloody chaos for at least two weeks!

If you want to theorycraft your way out of this mode, here is a screenshot of the URF buff you're benefiting from.

League of Legends

Otherwise, just to make sure you could have the most possible fun playing this mode, we drafted this Tier List. Obviously, it's SUPER subjective — but some of these picks are absolutely mandatory.


Because we are, and we're already completely addicted to the mode.

League of Legends

What do you think about this tier list? Do you feel we missed some completely-broken-over-powered champions? Your opinion matters, make the comment section yours!

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Thomas Sauzin
Thomas "Calo" Sauzin

Head of Portal League of Legends ?? — Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo