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Valorant Patch 0.49 brings major changes to Omen abilities and appearance

Valorant Patch 0.49 brings major changes to Omen abilities and appearance

It's quite common in a beta version of a game to implement major changes. Valorant is no exception to the rule and Omen is the first agent who will receive modifications on two of his abilities as well as a graphical redesign.

Valorant Patch 0.49 brings major changes to Omen abilities and appearance

He is the first Valorant Agent to undergo some notable changes. Omen has been modified through the deployment of Patch Notes 0.49.

Riot Games developer Riot Morello was the first to introduce some clues in a live stream last week. He notably specified that it wasn't a complete rework, but rather improvements of his abilities and the physical aspect of his avatar.

This new look was first unveiled in a Gameplay Trailer Reveal. That's how we finally have discovered the brand new version of the Agent, with the appearance of a brighter mask, making it almost even more mysterious than before. Riot games have stated that they “were trying to give him some spook back since if you do find him, you should now have him dead to rights.”

New Version - Valorant
New Version
Old Version - Valorant
Old Version

Some of his abilities will also be modified. While Dark Cover and From the Shadows remain unchanged, its other two abilities will be adjusted in to allow better interaction with other players. Paranoia will affect multiple enemies and show its reach to other team members.

To date, these modifications are still in the test phase and might change in the future. This rework is probably not the last one and other Agents may be modified during this beta version.

Original content by "AttilaLeHun".

Clémence LEMOAL
Clémence "Idril" Lemoal

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