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FFXIV Patch 5.45 Relic Weapons, Resistance Weapons Upgrade Guide

FFXIV Patch 5.45 Relic Weapons, Resistance Weapons Upgrade Guide

With Patch 5.45 the new Relic Weapons upgrades are now available in Final Fantasy XIV. Here's how to get the Loathsome Memories of the Dying and upgrade your Resistance Weapons.

FFXIV Patch 5.45 Relic Weapons, Resistance Weapons Upgrade Guide

The new upgrades of the Shadowbringers Relics — the Resistance Weapons — are available in Final Fantasy XIV.

With patch 5.45, players are now able to upgrade their relics two times.

To upgrade your relic to the 5.45 version you will first need to unlock the relic and then upgrade it up to patch 5.35 version, if you missed these two steps, please feel free to check our dedicated guides here:

FFXIV Patch 5.55 Relic Weapons, Resistance Weapons Upgrade Guide

With Patch 5.55 the final Relic Weapons upgrades are now available in Final Fantasy XIV. Here's how to get the Mechanic Parts, Memories and Emotions and upgrade your Resistance Weapons.

FFXIV 5.45 Resistance Weapons — Relic Upgrade

To unlock the upgrade of your relic weapon you will first need to go and start the new Save the Queen: Blades of Gunnhildr story in Gangos by talking to Marsak (X: 6.4 Y: 5.7) and taking the quest called "A Sign of What's to Come".

This quest will take you to the new Delubrum Reginae 24 player raid and will allow you to start your relic upgrade after clearing it.

Upgrading your Relic

To upgrade your relic take the quest called "In the Queen's Image" from the Gerolt in Gangos (X:6.2 Y:5.0).

This quest will be directly followed by the second one called "Change of Arms".

FFXIV 5.45 Relic Upgrade: A change in Arms — Loathsome Memories of the Dying - Final Fantasy XIV
FFXIV 5.45 Relic Upgrade: A change in Arms — Loathsome Memories of the Dying

Players will then be asked to gather 15 Loathsome Memories of the Dying you can farm these from:

  • Finishing Castrum Lacus Litore.
  • Critical Engagement in the Bozjan Southern Front.
  • Cristal Tower Alliance Raid.

We tried for you, participating in a Critical Engagement will not guarantee you a Loathsome Memories of the Dying and you can't obtain any by doing the Crystal Tower in unsyc mod with a party finder.

FFXIV 5.45: The Resistance Remembers — Haunting memories of the dying

According to Reddit user Hakul the next step of the upgrade will take you out of the Bozjan Southern Front.

To complete the quest called "The Resistance Remembers" players will need to gather 18 Haunting memories of the dying.

These can be obtained by:

  • Completing Heavensward Alliance Raid
  • Completing FATEs in Gyr Abania

You will also be asked to gather 18 Vexatious memories of the dying farmed from:

  • Stormblood Alliance Raid
  • FATEs in Othard

Now that the drop rate has been buffed, the FATEs farm might be the quickest way to farm those.

After bringing back these players will be able to accept the last quest of this time upgrades: "A New Path of Resistance".

What is the best way to get Haunting Memories of the Dying?

If you're looking to upgrade your Relic after the deployment of Patch 5.45 of FFXIV, this is the quickest way to farm Haunting Memories of the Dying and Vexatious Memories of the Dying.

FFXIV 5.45 A New Path of Resistance: Timeworn artifacts

To complete this step of the relic and the "A New Path of Resistance" quest, players will be asked to get 15 Timeworn artifacts.

You can earn this by:

How long will it take you to farm Timeworn Artifacts in the Palace of the Dead?

If you're farming to upgrade your Relic and want to skip Delubrum Reginae, the Palace of the Dead is a good option. But how long will it take to gather 15 Timeworn Artifacts? Here's the answer!

Relic Upgraded

And here you are with your new relic, we hope that this guide helped you get through the grind.

We have more for you on our Final Fantasy XIV portal, so please feel free to visit us again here.

Until then, have a safe trip Warriors of Light & Darkness.

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FFXIV Patch 5.45 Notes: Delubrum Reginae & Relic Upgrade

Our comprehensive FFXIV 5.45 Patch Notes bring Resistance Weapons upgrades, the Delubrum Reginae, and the Blue Mage update to Final Fantasy XIV. Check them out here!

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Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!